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Changing my eye colour

I have to wear contact lenses or I can't see a thing. I spent a lot of time making sure the contact lenses were hard to detect, but recently I've started getting some tinted contact lenses. It's actually really cool that I can make subtle shifts in my eye colour. It's funny when I see that people can tell there is something a bit funny or different with my appearance and they can't always tell what has changed. My optometrist is great about showing me new products and ideas that come out that might suit my prescription because he knows I'm always up for new things.



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Changing my eye colour

Common Vision Problems to be Aware of

by Evan Duncan

You may only see your optometrist once a year or so to have a regular eye exam and decide if you need a new eyeglass prescription, but you might also need to see them for other reasons. For example, if you are having trouble with discomfort in your eyes, that might be a good reason. Here are some vision problems to be aware of so you can get proper treatment from your optometrist.

Eye Floaters

Nearly everyone will experience eye floaters at some point, which cause little spots to affect your field of vision. These aren't a serious condition in most cases. It might be from the light in the room you are in, where they are noticeable if you are outdoors when it is particularly bright. These are usually normal, but you should see your optometrist if you notice them frequently, if they are worsening, or if they are also causing discomfort. You may not just have floaters, but another eye condition causing this occurrence.

Chronic Dryness

You might also have eyes that seem to always be dry. This is another thing that is often common but require seeing an eye doctor if you notice it getting worse. It is normal to have dry eyes on occasion, especially when the climate changes. However, if you notice it consistently, and it is also causing pain in your eyes or affecting your vision, you need to see your optometrist. They should be able to treat it by reducing tear drainage with some tear duct plugs. Artificial tears can also help, which might be prescribed to you to be more effective than eye drops sold in stores.

Vision Changes

You might also have changes in your vision, called refractive errors. There are different types of refractive errors that could require eyeglasses or contacts in order to restore your full vision. For example, if it seems like you can see fine from far away, but items close to you become distorted or blurry, you probably have farsightedness. Depending on the severity, you might only need reading glasses to see small print up close, or you may be asked to wear glasses regularly. On the other hand, you might see things fine up close but not far away, which is called nearsightedness. Astigmatism is another type of refractive error that can affect your vision, which causes things to appear blurry and stretched.


Cataracts are a common eye condition that usually occur with older adults. When you have cataracts in your eye, it causes your vision to become cloudy. The light isn't able to get through to your eye lens properly, so everything you see is slightly cloudy. When you have cataracts, it affects your clear vision and often requires surgery. Otherwise, you won't be able to drive a car or do other things you used to since your vision is compromised.
